Understanding the Medical Appraisal Form: A Guide for Healthcare Providers

As a healthcare provider, you are likely familiar with the concept of medical appraisal. This process involves a review of your performance and development, usually conducted annually, to ensure that you are meeting the necessary standards of care. A key aspect of this process is the completion of a medical appraisal form, which serves as an important record of your progress and achievements.

In this guide, we will walk you through the various components of the medical appraisal form, and provide some tips on how to effectively complete it.

Section 1: Personal Details

The first section of the medical appraisal form is usually a simple information section that requires you to provide your personal details. This includes your name, contact information, and professional registration details. It is important that you complete this section accurately and thoroughly as it will be used to identify you throughout the appraisal process.

Section 2: Job Plan

The next section of the form typically requires you to provide a summary of your job plan. This can include details such as your role, your responsibilities, and any objectives or targets that have been set for you. It is important that you provide a detailed and accurate summary of your job plan, as it will be used to evaluate your performance.

Section 3: Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

The CPD section of the appraisal form is where you will provide details of any training or development activities that you have undertaken over the previous year. This can include courses, conferences, workshops, and other relevant activities. It is important that you provide a detailed summary of each of these activities, including the time spent and the learning outcomes achieved.

Section 4: Significant Events

The significant events section of the form is where you will provide details of any significant events that you have been involved in over the last year. This can include incidents that have resulted in harm to a patient, complaints, or other issues. It is important that you provide an honest and detailed account of each event, including any actions that were taken as a result.

Section 5: Feedback

The feedback section of the form is where you will provide details of any feedback that you have received over the previous year. This can include feedback from patients, colleagues, or other stakeholders. It is important that you provide a detailed summary of the feedback received, including any actions that were taken as a result.

Section 6: Personal Development Plan (PDP)

The personal development plan (PDP) section of the appraisal form is where you will outline your development goals for the upcoming year. This can include objectives for professional development, areas for improvement, and any specific training or development activities that you plan to undertake. It is important that you provide a clear and achievable PDP, including specific targets and timelines.


Completing a medical appraisal form can be a daunting task, but by following the sections outlined above and providing honest and accurate information, you can make the process more manageable. Remember, the appraisal process is designed to support your learning and development as a healthcare provider, so take the opportunity to reflect on your achievements, identify areas for improvement, and plan your future goals and objectives.


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